Barn Roofs
by Phil Chadwick
Buy the Original Painting
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14.000 x 11.000 x 1.000 inches
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Barn Roofs
Phil Chadwick
Painting - Oil On Canvas
At 4 pm I headed out to find Araan Lake after visiting the Southampton Amphitheater. I didn't find Araan Lake but I did find this collection of buildings on the east side of Araan Township Road B-Line. There are actually three barn roofs. The fourth roof belongs to the house.
I thought the name of the road was appropriate for me.. "Bee-Line Road". It was a very straight road and motorists did whistle along at a good clip. One lady stopped to look and thought that the painting was really good and had captured the scene. I had to change the roof line of the barn a bit to make it work. There were some Charlois cattle that meandered around while I painted. The winds were northwesterly as witnessed by the blowing weeping willow. The bands of cirrostratus had already advanced well to the northeast of Southampton. This painting is almost a study in different types of trees: a couple of weeping willows (one huge one behind and a small one in front); a type of tall, skinny popular and a soft maple.
April 24th, 2016
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