Canoe Lake Point
by Phil Chadwick
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12.000 x 10.000 x 0.250 inches
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Canoe Lake Point
Phil Chadwick
Painting - Oil On Panel
This is number eight in the Canoe Lake Paddle as numbered along the path of the paddle.
I paddled northward along the west shore of Canoe Lake. There were a lot of dead heads and logs in the shallow water. The greens of the conifers and black spruce dominated this point. There was a fresh painting with every stroke of the paddle. The overcast stratus gave a gentle and diffuse light to the forest. As a result there was no dazzling sunlight to over-power the emerging colours of the maples and birches that lined the shore. The reflections in the dark waters of Canoe Lake were just as brilliant as the original colours direct from the trees themselves.
I used a lot of paint on this small and very slippery surface. I simply laid the oils in and tried to leave them alone - continued stroking of the paint would turn the oils into mud. I scratched my signature into the wet paint with a tooth-pick.
January 11th, 2017
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Comments (2)
Susan Esbensen
The warm shoreline guides the eye to the quiet mountain range, Phil. The cool blue reflection that caresses the lavender waters, brings it back, too start its journey once again!
Phil Chadwick replied:
What a nice way to start off a Sunday morning with this kind comment. Thank you.