Docked in the Saugeen
by Phil Chadwick
Buy the Original Painting
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12.000 x 10.000 x 1.000 inches
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Docked in the Saugeen
Phil Chadwick
Painting - Oil On Canvas
I paddled up the Saugeen to the first rapids on Monday afternoon. There was quite a current in the Saugeen.
On the way back around 5 pm I stopped to paint the Saugeen sailboats which were still at the dock. I moved the Range Light in and shortened the rock pier to make everything fit. The sailboats were rigged to a floating dock so that it why the dock isn't straight across.
Note that the Ojibway term for confluence of the waters is "Saugeen".
April 21st, 2016
Comments (5)
Catherine Robertson
Congratulations on your sale of this super piece, Phil !!
Phil Chadwick replied:
Thank you Catherine. It always makes me smile when someone else likes a piece of art.